Archive for month: April, 2014

Prospera Pascha Sit

April 16, 2014

Spending a prize Easter with Derek Jarman. Polari Safari by David Shenton. Polari Safari by David Shenton.

Product Of Industry: Mark E Interview

Stone Breaker.

Mark E talks about his new record, Product of Industry, and why he wanted to capture the often-overlooked soul & spirit of Birmingham.

“The music itself is where I am today, it wasn’t produced to try and symbolize this theme, the repetition, grinding pushing nature of the music I make happens to depict the theme quite well, the name and ethos suited this title, or vice versa.”

No Mythologies To Follow • MØ

Released March 07, 2014
MØ hold hers own in the field of Scandi-pop on her debut album, No Mythologies To Follow.

“Most impressive of all is MØ’s vocals, full bodied and soulful with an impressive and expressive range that her contemporaries can’t match.”

Pierrot Lunaire

Cert: 18 • Germany/Canada: 51 min • Die Lamb, Hebbel Theatre Berlin, Jürgen Brüning Filmproduktion • February 9, 2014

Bruce LaBruce’s Pierrot Lunaire, set to Arnold Schöneberg’s score, is a meditation on transgender identity – but is the intriguing scenario a success?

“If there is any social point that comes across in the film, it is only that the current hysteria over whether someone is pre-op or not misunderstands what is means to identify as transgender. It restrains and enforces the boundaries of gender within matters of sex.”

Ratings War

April 09, 2014

A ratings war charting who can have the most elaborate same-sex marriage ceromony is on! Polari Safari by David Shenton.

Bending Binaries: Planningtorock Interview

All Love’s Legal.

Andrew Darley talks to musician Jam Rostron of Planningtorock about what it means to unlearn ideas about gender, and how music can help people do that.

“Music is the most magical language we have. Everyone can like music and you don’t need a degree to make it. It’s a people’s language.”

T-Girls: Gender Outlaws

Diverse Identities.

The term T-girls celebrates a range of trans identities. Darius Amini’s exhibition, Gender Outlaws, celebrates the diversity of identity.

What Darius would really like people to take away from the exhibition is an increased awareness of the diversity within the T-Girl community, and to be surprised by that.

Goodbye Yellow Brick Road • Competition

Goodbye Yellow Brick Road

WIN a limited yellow vinyl edition of the remastered 40th anniversary reissue of Elton John’s Goodbye Yellow Brick Road.

Scenes From A Modern Marriage (2)

April 06, 2014

Victorian romance takes on a same-sex marriage twist. Polari Safari by David Shenton.

Scenes From A Modern Marriage (1)

April 05, 2014

The honeymoon period is over. Polari Safari by David Shenton.