Tag Archive for: alex karotsch

Naked Boys Reading

Polari’s August Bona-nza: Naked Books.

The founders of Naked Boys Reading talk about how it mixes body and mind, and how a naked reading can change the meaning of a work in unexpected ways.

“It’s always interesting to see how the nakedness, which many people think would overshadow the literature, actually takes a step back as soon as the readers start reading and the audience gets involved in the text rather than the body reading it.”

Naked Talk: In Their Room London

The Latest Travis Mathews Film.

Michael Langan talks to Alex Karotsch, the Fringe! Film Fest producer, who is performing in Travis Mathews’ film In Their Room London.

“In a film like that you can’t really hold back. And I didn’t want to hold back, because that’s the whole point of it. So I tried to be as honest as possible, but it’s very different from talking to your friends.”

Fringe! Queer Film & Arts Festival: The Interview

For the Queer Community.

Alex Karotsch and Muffin Hix talk about the hip queer film festival Fringe! and why it is by the community and for the community.

“A festival doesn’t have to be about big shiny premieres. We don’t have an industry section to our festival. It’s for the public that want to come out and see films.”

Naked Boys Reading LDN

A Well-Endowed Library.

Naked Boys Reading LDN is the perfect intimate live event: a nude literary salon featuring in-the-buff readings.