Tag Archive for: queer classic

Forman Brown, Elsa Lanchester, and The Turnabout Theatre

A Better Angel.

Turnabout Theatre was a Hollywood hot spot of great importance to queer history. A. Loudermilk celebrates its founders, and its greatest star, Elsa Lanchester.

New Yorker described her as ‘a specialists’ specialist in the mischievous art of seemingly inadvertent comedy,” praising her for “taking her listeners out of a close, tidy world and into a disquieting place filled with sharp winds and unsteady laughter.'”

The Craft (1996)

Cert: 15 • US: 101 min • Columbia Pictures • May 3, 1996

’90s teen horrorThe Craft, with the struggle of the outsider at its heart, is a queer classic.

“During the ’90s, The Craft felt like an antidote to the films dealing with the woes of being a young adult. It comes off like a shot in the dark and feels like the twisted sister of the bubblegum highschool satire of Clueless released the year previously.”